The St. Petersburg Chamber Opera invites you to the
tour Palaces and social life of von Derviz family. You will learn more
about the history and modern life of one of the most luxurious St. Petersburg
mansions where the theatre is located.
Upcoming performances and concerts
25 January,
Harp Gala
Красная гостиная
The leading soloists of the St. Petersburg Opera present a concert of opera arias performed to the accompaniment of harp and fantasies on themes from famous operas.
Please note: in August 2023, performances and concerts will take place on the stage of the St. Petersburg Theatre of Musical Comedy (13, Italyanskaya str.)
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В соответствии с Постановлением Правительства № 121 от 13.03.2020 года «О мерах по противодействию
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