Театр «Санктъ-Петербургъ Опера»
190000, Россия, Ленинградская, Санкт-Петербург, Галерная ул., 33
+7 (812) 312-39-82
St. Petersburg, Galernaya st. 33
Box Office: 12:00–19:00
Break 15:00–16:00

The Elixir of Love (L’elisir d’amore)

Comic opera in two acts

The famous legend of Tristan and Isolde is elegantly played in the libretto.

The Elixir of Love (L’elisir d’amore)
The Elixir of Love (L’elisir d’amore)
The Elixir of Love (L’elisir d’amore)
The Elixir of Love (L’elisir d’amore)

05 February,

Comic opera in two acts
The Elixir of Love (L’elisir d’amore)
The Elixir of Love (L’elisir d’amore)
The Elixir of Love (L’elisir d’amore)
The Elixir of Love (L’elisir d’amore)
2 hours 30 minutes
Number of acts:
Number of intermissions:
Sung in Italian
Surtitles in Russian

Composer — G. Donizetti

Librettist — F. Romani

Stage Director — People’s Artist of Russia Yuri Alexandrov

Production-conductor — A. Goikhman

Theatre and Lighting Designer, Video art — People’s Artist of Russia V. Okunev

Directors — N. Chernikova, D. Modzalevskaya

Musical Preparation — T. Yakovleva

Chorus Master — I. Pototskiy

Choreographer — N. Kalinina

World premiere — May 12, 1832, Teatro della Canobbiana, Milan

Premiere — May 19, 2016

Aleksandra Lyapich
Aleksandra Lyapich
Evgenia Kravchenko
Evgenia Kravchenko
Karolina Shapovalova
Karolina Shapovalova
Olesya Gordeeva
Olesya Gordeeva
Aleksei Pashiev
Aleksei Pashiev
Dmitry Udi
Dmitry Udi
Anton Morozov
Anton Morozov
Evgenii Baev
Evgenii Baev
Yuri Borschev
Yuri Borschev
Elena Tikhonova
Elena Tikhonova
Natalia Kochubei
Natalia Kochubei
Sofya Nekrasova
Sofya Nekrasova
Tatiana Kalchenko
Tatiana Kalchenko
Viktoria Martmyanova
Viktoria Martmyanova
Yulia Ptitsyna
Yulia Ptitsyna
Plump woman
Izabella Bazina
Izabella Bazina
Natalya Pleshkova
Natalya Pleshkova
Alina Nikolaeva
Alina Nikolaeva
Izabella Bazina
Izabella Bazina
Natalya Pleshkova
Natalya Pleshkova
Alina Nikolaeva
Alina Nikolaeva
Izabella Bazina
Izabella Bazina
Natalya Pleshkova
Natalya Pleshkova
Denis Akhmetshin
Denis Akhmetshin
Leontii Salyensky
Leontii Salyensky
Little old man
Viktor Aleshkov
Viktor Aleshkov
Denis Akhmetshin
Denis Akhmetshin
A procurer
Denis Akhmetshin
Denis Akhmetshin
Woman notary
Denis Akhmetshin
Denis Akhmetshin
Efim Rastorguev
Efim Rastorguev
Leontii Salyensky
Leontii Salyensky
Dulcamara’s helper
Anton Morozov
Anton Morozov
Denis Akhmetshin
Denis Akhmetshin
The Elixir of Love (L’elisir d’amore)
The Elixir of Love (L’elisir d’amore)
The Elixir of Love (L’elisir d’amore)
The Elixir of Love (L’elisir d’amore)
The Elixir of Love (L’elisir d’amore)
The Elixir of Love (L’elisir d’amore)

L’elisir d’amore (The Elixir of Love) is a comic opera that has been adored by people all over the world for over 150 years. It is called one of the brightest examples of bel canto. Donizetti created his masterpiece just in two weeks. The opera had a huge success. A light captivating plot, graceful virtuoso melodies, an ideal balance of touching and comic ensured this work a triumph.


Act I

Shy and poor, Nemorino is hopelessly in love with the windy Adina. This is not to say that the girl is completely indifferent to him, but rewards him only with barbs and ridicule, as, indeed, the rest of her fans.

Nemorino is haunted by the thought of how to earn the beauty’s favor. Hearing how Adina and Giannetta, Adina’s friend, read the story of Tristan and Isolde, Nemorino believed in the existence of a love potion and decided to get it at any cost.

The sound of a drum is heard as soldiers under the command of a sergeant Belcore enter the village. The attention of the brave leader is immediately attracted by the brisk beauty Adina. Nemorino is beside himself with jealousy. Belcore, after a moment's hesitation, demands from Adina to immediately appoint a wedding day.

Adina is left alone with Nemorino. With a mockery, she advises him to take care not of her, but of a terminally ill uncle, so as not to lose the inheritance. Nemorino is a good, modest young man, but Adina cannot help herself - what she likes today is already hateful tomorrow, so it is better for the lover not to torment himself and try to forget her.

Suddenly, fate sends Nemorino hope ... Everyone is excited by the appearance of a richly dressed man. The stranger turns out to be the wandering doctor Dulcamara. The enterprising Aesculapius and his “assistants” smartly advertise the ability to treat all kinds of diseases. Moreover, Dulcamara brought not only unique medicines. He also has a rare potion – a love elixir. Drink it and you will become irresistible in love! The sale is in full swing! Having watched Dulcamara, the suspicious Nemorino asks him for exactly that drink. Without the slightest embarrassment, Dulcamara reports that it was he who invented this drink, but this is a very expensive pleasure and one should not tell anyone about the existence of the drink. Nemorino, without a second doubting the authenticity of the elixir, promises to keep a secret and gives the charlatan his last money. Dulcamara gives the lover the “magic elixir”, but in fact, a bottle of ordinary port ... One condition, - he warns, - the “remedy” will work only in a day. During this time, the deceiver hopes to leave already far from these places. A trusting youth does not know how to thank his savior. His impatience is so great that he immediately drinks the contents of the bottle. The action of the "elixir" affects very quickly ... Nemorino gets drunk and, now confident in himself, rather unceremoniously turns to Adina. Such a new and unexpected attitude hurts the girl’s pride, and Nemorino publicly declares that by morning he will be completely healed of his passion ...

The arrival of the sergeant tells Adina how to repay Nemorino. She promises Belcore to marry him. True, he will have to wait, but not much. Maybe six days ...

Suddenly, the sergeant is ordered to leave the city as soon as dawn comes. Completely annoyed by Nemorino’s indifference, Adina announces that she is ready to play the wedding immediately. The hops immediately disappear from Nemorino’s head. Realizing that he is losing his beloved forever, the unfortunate man begs her to wait with the wedding at least until tomorrow. But Adina cannot be stopped ... The delighted sergeant invites everyone present to the wedding.

Act II

Wedding celebration. In the most honorable place sits Dulcamara. Adina looks for Nemorino with his eyes, realizing that if he does not come, then her whole idea with the wedding is meaningless ... Congratulating the bride and groom, Dulcamara invites Adina to sing comic couplets with him. The girl readily agrees.

Nemorino has his own worries. He urgently needs money to acquire another portion of the “accelerator” of love passion, especially since time is running out ... A notary has already arrived, and Adina is about to become the wife of a soldier, who quite unexpectedly offers the unfortunate Nemorino to enroll in the army because in such case he has a chance to immediately receive 20 euros - the payment for each recruit. The guy hesitates. Nevertheless, the decision was made: a medical examination, a stroke of a pen - and Nemorino was recruited into the soldiers.

The girls are discussing the amazing news - Uncle Nemorino died, leaving the young man all his fortune. Nemorino himself does not know anything about this yet. He appears even more self-confident because of the second dose of “elixir” he has drunk. Dulcamara vouched that this time the drug would definitely work, and the guy was filled with the most optimistic expectations. Indeed, the very first girl he met on his way - she turned out to be Giannetta - shows increased attention to him, because he is a rich groom ... The naive Nemorino takes for granted both courtesies and compliments. He prefers not to notice the unfaithful Adina.

Adina is very upset with this turn of affairs, and Dr. Dulcamara, seeing a chance to get a new client, invites her to taste “signature drink.”

Nemorino’s intoxication has passed, only the bitterness of parting remains ... A humble Adina appears. She gives the recruitment receipt she bought from Belcore. The money was returned to the sergeant, and the young man can be free. But Nemorino is not happy - he does not need freedom without love, and he is ready to immediately go into the army. And then Adina confesses that she fell in love with him. The lovers are shocked by the passionate feeling that gripped them! Suddenly their embrace is interrupted by Belcore, Giannette, Dulcamara and the others. Belcore is amazed - his bride is, to put it mildly, alone with a rival. Adina tells Belcore that Nemorino is her only chosen one, and this news for a happy young man is much more important than his current financial well-being! Friends greet lovers, and Sergeant Belcore does not lose heart for long – “there are many other women in the world...”

Upcoming performances and concerts
25 January,
Harp Gala
Красная гостиная

The leading soloists of the St. Petersburg Opera present a concert of opera arias performed to the accompaniment of harp and fantasies on themes from famous operas.

29 January,
29 января - на основной сцене театра
14 марта - на сцене Эрмитажного театра
Г. Маршнер
Романтическая драма
10 February,
Красная гостиная
23 February,
Viva Strauss!
Гала-концерт в двух отделениях
The St. Petersburg Chamber Opera presents a new concert program Viva Strauss!. The concert program includes famous polkas, marches, quadrilles.
05 March,
La bohème
Дж. Пуччини
Мелодрама с одним антрактом
Театральный зал

The famous opera by Puccini is interpreted as a story about the tragic contradiction between the dream and the prose of existence.

Dear viewers!

Please note: in August 2023, performances and concerts will take place on the stage
of the St. Petersburg Theatre of Musical Comedy (13, Italyanskaya str.)
Опера «Евгений Онегин / Eugene Onegin»
Дата мероприятия: 17.11.2021
Время мероприятия: 19:00
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