Romance lyrics touch upon the subtlest psychological experiences, diverse feelings, and find a response in every heart.
Romance is an extraordinary genre. Having arisen on the wave of the trends of romanticism, it has not lost its popularity even today. Romance lyrics touch upon the subtlest psychological experiences, diverse feelings, and find a response in every heart.
Few of the composers have resisted the possibility of a deeply personal, almost intimate expression, impossible, except for romance, in any other genre. “I am very inspired by poetry. After music, I love poetry most of all ... I always have poetry at hand. Poetry inspires music, as there is a lot of music in poetry itself. They are like twin sisters,” admitted Sergei Rachmaninoff. The poetic word of Pushkin, Baratynsky, Tyutchev, Fet, Lermontov forever merged with musical embodiment in the romances of Glinka, Gurilyov, Varlamov, Tchaikovsky, Rachmaninoff.
The Night of Russian Romances at St. Petersburg Opera takes on a special sound thanks to the unique atmosphere of the old cozy hall of the Baron von Derviz mansion, where the theatre is located.