– Dear beloved spectators of the St. Petersburg Opera!
I wish you a Happy New Year and Merry Christmas!
The applause of our latest premiere, the opera The Tsarina’s Slippers (Cherevichki) is still thundering in my ears. Not everyone has seen it, but it is dedicated to you all, because I really want to cheer you up, so that it becomes better, so that you smile, since life does not always give us such an opportunity.
We have lived through a very difficult year and do not fully know what lies ahead. But, if we join together, everything will be fine. We appreciate and look forward to each of you with impatience, because you have come with us all our long thirty-five year journey.
The theatre turns 35 in 2022! Each of you has put a particle of warmth into our home – a theatre, and we really appreciate it.
I wish you good health and joy!
Yuri Alexandrov, People’s artist of Russia, Artistic Director and Founder of St. Petersburg Opera.