The soloist of the theatre Miroslav Molchanov became the laureate of the "St. Petersburg Youth Award in the field of artistic creativity" in the nomination "Achievements in the Field of Stage Creativity." On December 09, the St. Petersburg State Theatre “Music Hall” hosts a ceremonial presentation. The nominations are: “Achievements in the Field of Musical Creativity”, “Achievements in the Field of Cinema”, “Achievements in the Field of Fine Arts”. The St. Petersburg Youth Award in the field of art was established by the City Government to encourage young artists, to motivate and support them. It is awarded annually, since 2011. Awarding the Prize becomes an important milestone in the creative biography of young professionals - artists, directors, artists, musicians. Among the winners of the Award over the years are pianist Sergei Redkin, soloist of the Mikhailovsky Theatre Boris Pinhasovich, artist Alisa Yufa, soloist of the Boris Eifman Ballet Theatre Daria Reznik, scenarist Pavel Vagin, soloists of the Music Hall Anna Vikulina and Tigriya Bazhakina and others.
On the large stage of the Music Hall Theatre, after awarding the Laureates of the Award, a festive concert take place, in which the symphony orchestra of the “North Symphony” Theatre under the direction of maestro Fabio Mastrangelo and the opera choir of the theatre perform. The concert program includes performances of the Youth Award winners of 2019 and the soloists of the laureates of previous years from Music Hall: Anna Vikulina and Tigriya Bazhakina.